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Interactive Installation with Lego

lighting design title

Project Type:  Interactive installation

Roles:  Designer & maker & coder

Team:  Joel Putnum, Marya Kanakis, David Walczyk

Timeline:  Spring 2016

Design Challenge -
Provide an interactive Lego installation for Chicago science and Industry museum

Starchitect is a interactive installation including a lego robot and VR frame. The project aim to help young kids recognize the most famous architects around the world and inspire them to imaging their dreamlike architecture through a unique VR exploration.
For architects, we are testing innovative way of architecture presentation. For children, we are testing a more interactive methods to enable them learning the fundamental knowledge of architecture.

Step 1 - Sketch Out the Face

Using CAD drafting tool to sketch the famous architect face out.

Step 2 - Apply the sketch to a clean lego head

After manifested identify the most distinctive features of his face with the most simple lines。

Step 3 - Repeating process one & two

Every architect we look for has its own distinctive characteristics and represents its own architectural genre.

Design Details

The final product being divided into two parts. Interactive lego head and a VR headset. Both parts has been installed and exhibited in science technology museum at Chicago. In the VR headset, 10 different architecture scenes has been pre-modeled and installed by our team members.

The Interactive Head

Eye on the architect's face will look at different direction when the kids move either left of right hand.

How does head Work

Image on the left shows how the users will access to the installation. The other diagram shows all the electronic devices I have been used in the head part.

The Lego VR Headset

An VR lego frame with 10 different architect's masterpiece has also been prepared for this project. Through combination of Unity3D and lego bricks, our lego VR frame can bring kids to another level of understanding about living space.

Prototype Documentation